Category «Fantasy»

Reborn as a Space Mercenary: I Woke Up Piloting the Strongest Starship!

When Satou Takahiro is swept away from his ordinary life into the world of his favorite video game, a universe of space battles, interstellar colonies, and danger in the vastness of outer space awaits. Soon, he’s living as “Hiro” the mercenary, with a tricked-out spaceship and a babe on each arm! There are space pirates …

Expedition Cooking with the Enoch Royal Knights

Delectable survival cooking from the down-on-her-luck elf! Despite being born as a Fore Elf—one of the “beautiful creatures that inhabit the forest”—young Mell Risurisu suffers from poverty, a total lack of skills, and no magic powers whatsoever at her disposal. Determined to save her beloved little sisters from a life of hardship, Mell decides to …

I’m Not the Hero!

Once upon a time, there was a middle-aged Japanese salaryman, a schoolgirl, and a speed demon of a truck driver. The man tried to rescue the girl from the truck, and… Well, I bet you can guess what happened next. That man was me, by the way—“was” being the operative word, because the next thing …


Deep in the unexplored reaches of the dungeon, a corpse is discovered—one that shouldn’t exist. After Iarumas is resurrected, his memories of life before death are gone, and he spends his days delving into the dungeon to retrieve the bodies of dead adventurers. Can they be revived as well? Or will God reduce them to …