Category «Harem»


A Campione—a Godslayer—is a supreme ruler. Since he can kill a celestial being, he can therefore call on the sacrosanct, divine powers wielded by the gods. A Campione—a Godslayer—is a lord. Since the power to kill a deity is in his hands, he therefore looms over all mortals on Earth. A Campione—a Godslayer—is a devil. …

AntiMagic Academy “The 35th Test Platoon”

The 35th Test Platoon of Antimagic academy, they’re one of squads enrolled at academy specializing in raising the witch hunters, whose job is to find and neutralize any magical threats! Unfortunately, there’s a group of failures nicknamed “Small Fry Platoon”, a platoon formed from bunch of self-centered people who can’t cooperate and have personality problems. …

Leviathan of the Covenant

You shall become king— Ruling over all “serpents” in the world… Become the man who bears the brunt of dragon kind’s fear and hatred. A modern era when humanity is threatened by attacks from giant dragons flying from beyond the sky. Controlling “leviathans”—serpentine spiritual beings created through magic—humanity is locked in a protracted war of …